Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Old Desoto

Here I am on the hood of our 1957 Desoto. I never drove it, except to steer while sitting in Dad's lap a couple of times. It was gone long before I turned 16.

It was pale yellow color with some pastel purple accents along the fins.

It had a hemi engine and was powerful, which meant that Max and Larry sometimes banged up the sheet metal. More than once. More than twice. More than three times... a favorite spot was the jog in the road at Second South and 12th East.

Larry came home one day and was VERY upset. He got a ticket (not his first) and was fuming. The ticket was for going TOO SLOW.

I believe the situation was that a police car was behind him and he slowed waaaaaaay down in the school zone in front of Wasatch Elementary. The cop thought he was acting smart so he issued a ticket. I never heard exactly how slow he was going.

The Desoto met its demise in an unlikely way. Granny was driving one day and got hit by some old gent who ran a stop sign. The accident was only about a block from the house. I guess Granny jumped the curb trying to get out of his way and totalled it. After all those accidents by our boys playing "Thunder Road" it was Granny who killed the Desoto.

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