Friday, September 5, 2008

Going away to school

My high school was about a mile and a half from home. I used to walk quite a bit but sometimes I got to drive the red flash. My senior year I drove most of the time, at least three days a week.

When I "went away to college" it was even closer. The campus was two blocks from home. And the way parking was (and still is) on college campuses, students were hunting parking spots on my street. So I rarely drove to class in college.

And we had what they called "flexible schedule" or "modular schedule" at my high school. It was an open campus and we had classes very much like a college schedule. I'd have some classes MWF and a lab one other day during the week. Some days I didn't have class until 11 am.

I guess it was some instructional theory. It lasted for at least 10 years before they discontinued it.

I did OK, getting low Bs. I tested out of 40 college hours (quarters, not semesters) right out of high school. It seemed like lots of people did.

So going away to school wasn't a big adjustment for me. I went the summer right after graduation and got in four quarters before my mission.

1 comment:

Que Sera said...

I guess you'll never be one of those grandpas that tells his grandkids that he had to go uphill, both ways to school in several feet of snow.