Friday, August 22, 2008

Bueno Avenue Bunch

I just love old things. (Oh yeah, I forgot, I'm an old thing...) So here's another picture that's almost half a century old, taken on Bueno Avenue in Salt Lake.

Name that family! Name the names! If you can, then you are ready for some MORE family history stuff!!! (Answer: l to r & f to b: Douglas Scott, Junius Dean, Janet, Max, Larry)


Anonymous said...

That's Bew-Know Alley, not Bueno Avenue to the locals, Ma'am.
~Dad H

Sarah Scott said...

Love the picture! Those boys look so much like their boys it is incredible. People have told me that the Heaton genes are strong. Keep up the bloggin!
Sarah (H)

mali said...

What a good looking bunch! Go Larry!